News & Notes
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The Detroit Handbell Ensemble will melt hearts through warm bellringing during “A Frozen Holiday Celebration” at three December concerts. Featuring 12 well-known holiday- and winter-themed songs including “Let It Go” from the movie “Frozen,” the concert will entertain people of all ages.

Music filled the fellowship hall November 2 at the Eaton Rapids First United Methodist Church as more than 100 handbell ringers participated in a day-long festival. The Detroit Handbell Ensemble co-hosted the event that brought nine area church ensembles together for workshops and mass rehearsals.

The Detroit Handbell Ensemble will open its 2019-20 season by co-hosting the Eaton Rapids Handbell Festival November 2 at the First United Methodist Church of Eaton Rapids, Michigan. Under the direction of Brenda Austin and Kyle Webber, participants from nine church ensembles and DHE will perform a closing festival concert open to the public at 2:30pm.

Austin, DHE artistic director and the director of music at the Eaton Rapids church, founded the annual festival with Webber in 2012. Webber is the director of music ministries at Nardin Park United Methodist Church in Farmington Hills, Michigan, and a national board member of the Handbell Musicians of America.

In late June 2019, the Detroit Handbell Ensemble hit the road for Lancaster, Pennsylvania, to perform a feature concert at the Area 2 Festival Conference and Young Ringer Festival. We were very excited to be invited to this event and to perform for friends and colleagues in the handbell community.

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Handbell recordings, sheet music, and more.
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Noel French, founding attorney, is ready to serve your legal needs.